Summer 2 Changing Places
This half term will be very busy but lots of fun. The children will be learning about important changes that will be happening as they move on to a new school. They will learn strategies to cope with these changes.
Changing Places ObjectivesChanging Places Objectives
In English the children will continue to read a range of different genres and answer questions about their reading. They will apply the skills they have learnt to help them answer more lengthy comprehensions. Some questions will involve short one word responses. However, others will need a more detailed response drawing upon evidence found from various places within the text.
The children are going to have so much fun learning a playscript for their end of year performance called A Glint of Gold. The children will have to read with lots of expression and think carefully about their intonation. They will learn to use stage directions and at times consider if and where the script might need adapting.
In maths we will revisit written methods to add, subtract, multiply and divide. The children will be encouraged to see if they can firstly solve a calculation using mental strategies or informal jottings. If the they find they can not solve a problem comfortably in this way they will be encouraged to use a formal written method. At the beginning of this half term the children will complete the MTC test.
Addition and SubtractionAddition and Subtraction
Multiplication and DivisionMultiplication and Division