Social Media
Please follow us on Facebook and Twitter for up to date news from the school.
Our Facebook page is: Watling Lower School
Our Twitter handle is: @watlingschool
Our expectations for responsible use
Social media (e.g. Facebook and Twitter) is a powerful tool to unite communities and yet creates divisions if used inappropriately. Never before have we as individuals and organisations been able to communicate as freely and easily with people across the world as with our neighbours. Watling Lower School recognises the numerous benefits and opportunities which a social media presence offers to enhance how we communicate with parents and share the profile of the school with a wider audience. However, there are some risks associated with social media use, especially around the issues of safeguarding, bullying and our school’s reputation. This policy aims to encourage the responsible use of social media by the school and its parents and carers for the mutual benefit of each other.
Responsibilities of the school
Watling Lower School will:
- Only post information appropriate to a wider school audience or to celebrate successes of individuals or groups within the school.
- Use images of children, but only when permission has been granted by the parents or carers.
- Not print a child’s name if it is accompanied by a photograph.
- Not print personal information that could be used to identify a child shown in an image.
Parental responsibilities
We expect parents to:
- Not post photos, videos or comments that include other children at the school without the express permission of the parents of each child shown in the image.
- Not to use social media on their own devices while on school premises.
- Not to access social media while helping at school or on school visits.
- Raise queries, concerns and complaints directly with the school rather than posting them on social media – whether on their own pages, in closed groups (e.g. groups set up for school parents to communicate with each other) or on the school's pages.
- Not post anything malicious about the school or any member of the school community.