Hedgehogs Class 2024-25

Welcome to Hedgehogs class page. We hope this is a space to provide you with important information, share some of our learning and give you some useful links and resources to help support your child at home.


Meet the team

Class teacher- Mrs McLean 

Teaching Assistants - Mrs Grantham, Mrs Davies, Mrs Hoppe, Mrs Gurney, Miss Kacani

Student teacher- Miss Allouche

Curriculum Overviews

Below you will find the curriculum overviews for each half term in Year 1. To support our Theme lessons, Knowledge organisers are used to outline the main skills and information the children will be learning in each term. We use them in class to help retrieve key information quickly. You can use these to support your child at home- perhaps cover part of the document, can they tell you what is missing? You could muddle up the key vocabulary section, can they put it back together? 

Autumn 1- All about me

In English this half term we will be using some favourite stories by Julia Donaldson to learn about lists, labels and captions. We will focus on transcription skills, being able to form our letters correctly, sit them on the line and apply our phase 3 phonics knowledge.

In Maths, we will begin by reviewing the key areas of Early Mathematical learning, including counting and cardinality, comparison, composition and pattern. We will then look at counting within 100 using resources such as numberlines, hundred squares and gattegno counting charts to support us.

All about me Knowledge Organiser

Phonics- Sounds covered in Autumn 1

 Autumn 2- Houses and Homes

This half term in English we take a deep dive into grammar and punctuation, following the PVPG scheme from Grammasaurus. We will start by identifying common and proper nouns, then we will explore verbs as being action and being words. These will then combine to support us in building full independent clauses. Take a look at the overview here

In Maths we will compare quantities, as well as height and length, and begin to look at the part whole structure. We will look at the composition of numbers 0-5, finding missing parts, 1 more and less and will introduce children to the bar model. We will also start our shape unit, looking at pattern and ways to arrange 2D and 3D shape.

Houses and homes Knowledge Organiser

Phonics- Sounds covered in Autumn 2

 Spring 1- Animal Adventure

In English, we will start with our first Talk 4 Writing unit- Non-Chronological reports. We will focus on writing simple sentences, using our knowledge of full, independent clauses from the Grammasaurus unit before Christmas. The children will write simple sentences to describe a Hedgehog, imitating the model text. They will then go on to writing a factfile about an imaginary animal.

In Maths we will continue our unit on shape- identifying 2D and 3D shapes and knowing some of their features.  We will then explore numbers 1-10, looking at their composition and placing them on a number line. We then begin our work on additive structures, introducing the children to simple addition and subtraction equations through first, then, now stories.

The children will be explicitly taught the following vocabulary: expression, equation, addend, sum, minuend, subtrahend, difference, inverse. 

Please take a look at the maths dictionary here for any definitions


To find out what we are learning in our Theme and Science lessons, take a look at our knowledge organisers.

Geography Spring 1 Knowledge Organiser 

Science Spring 1 Knowledge Organiser

Phonics- Sounds covered in Spring 1

Spring 2- Toys through time

This is always one of our favourite topics- Toys through time. We will kick start the theme with exploring the children's favourite toy from home and will get the chance to later handle some toys from the past. For further information on this theme and everything we will cover, take a look at our knowledge organiser.

Toys through time Knowledge Organiser

In English we will be using the text 'The Magic Porridge Pot' to look at description within our writing. We will continue to use Talk for Writing to learn the text and will look at skills such as giving nouns names, eg The dog walked down the road-  The small poodle trotted down the cobble lane. We will then move on to instructional writing, first making 'magic porridge' and then innovating to creating their own 'magic food'.

In Maths the children will continue their work on additive structures before using this knowledge to secure addition and subtraction facts within 10. They will find pairs that make 10, learn the difference between consecutive numbers, add two to even and odd numbers, discover what happens when a number is added to or subtracted from itself, as well as doubles and halves. 

Phonics- Sounds covered in Spring 2

Summer 1- What a wonderful world

This half term we will be exploring the great outdoors, learning about plants and weather.  The children will use their observation skills to identify wild and garden plants and evergreen and deciduous trees, naming their parts and comparing them.  In Geography, we will learn about the weather patterns seen in the UK across the four seasons and how weather can affect us and our environments. Take a look at our two knowledge organisers to see what we will be learning.

Plants knowledge organiser

Weather knowledge organiser

In English we shall be learning the story 'Jack and the Beanstalk' using our talk for writing techniques. We will focus on describing the setting, later changing the castle to a beach, jungle or distant planet. We shall look at using adjectives in a sentence of three to create an image in the readers head. Towards the end of the half term we will use our best persuasive language to persuade someone to buy some magic beans.

Phonics- Sounds covered in Summer 1

In Maths the children work with numbers to 20. They understand their composition as 'ten and a bit', and position them on a number line. They will use their knowledge of addition and subtraction facts within 20 to add and subtract within 20. They will then apply this knowledge when learning about measure- estimating using a blank number line, measuring with non standard units and a ruler and recording in a table. We will then start a unit on unitising, counting in 2,5,10's. The videos below will be used in class. 

Counting in 2's

Counting in 10's

Counting in 5's

Counting in 2,5,10's

 Summer 2- Oh I do like to be beside the seaside!

We shall be finishing the year with the perfect Summer theme of 'Oh I do like to be beside the seaside!'

We will identify the capital cities of the four countries of the UK using maps and atlases and will locate popular seaside towns such as Brighton, Tenby and Blackpool. We will compare human and physical features of Brighton to those of Dunstable, identifying why coastal towns are popular with tourists. We then compare modern seaside holidays to those taken by the Victorians. 

Oh I do like to be beside the seaside- Knowledge Organiser

In English we shall be using the text 'The Secret of Black Rock'. The children will be applying all the skills from the year to describe the setting and character, as well as writing their own legend. We shall finish the term with some summer poetry.

In Maths the children will apply their knowledge of counting in 2,5,10's to working with money. They will calculate the value of a set of 1,2,5 or 10p coins and compare these sets. They will relate what they have learnt to real life contexts and solve problems.  We will then work on position and direction, describing position, direction and movement, including whole, half, quarter and three-quarter turns. Finally, children will apply this knowledge when telling the time to the hour and half past. 

 Phonics- Sounds covered in Summer 2

Useful websites and resources

Use the links to access some useful websites to help your child with their learning. We recommend accessing Numbots and Nessy at least four times a week, as well as regular home reading.

Numbots- a fantastic website for practicing those key maths skills including place value and number bonds.  

Nessy- really useful for supporting children with their reading and spelling at home.

Phonics Bloom- lot's of fun phonic games to play at home.

EPIC- an amazing resource of high quality e-books

Seesaw- keep up to date with all the learning and announcements in class

A guide to the Year 1 Phonic Screening Check