Our Assemblies

Thank you to Mrs Williamson who took the time to come and visit Watling and speak to the children about our assemblies and produced an account of them.

Assemblies at Watling are a chance for the children to come together as a whole school and are an
important part of the weekly calendar.

We have three whole-school assemblies a week: a Values, Singing and Celebration Assembly.

Monday – Values assembly
We talk to the children about the value of the month, which may be focused around the
environment and looking after the planet or Black History month where highlight key figures and the
impact they have had on our society. We also talk about the importance of kindness in and around
the school and how we can demonstrate it in the ways that we behave.

Tuesday – Singing assembly
Singing assemblies are a lovely part of the school week – the children get the chance to use their
voices and express themselves, while learning through the power of music. The songs we learn
follow the seasons, so in the Autumn term we learn harvest songs and the children begin to
understand the importance of the time of year to our food chain. In the winter term we learn
Christmas songs, which gets everyone in the festive mood! In the Spring we learn Easter songs and others about the new life associated with the season and then in Summer we sing some of our favourites.

Friday – celebration assembly
In our Friday assembly we focus on celebrating the achievements of children throughout the week –
it’s a busy assembly as we have lots of awards to hand out! Our House Captains hand out the Merit
Awards, which is where the children have built up merit points for good effort and achieving
their goals with schoolwork such as spellings and class tasks. Throughout the week, Gold Tokens are
given out for good deeds, for example if someone has looked after a classmate when they are sad or
hurt. These tokens are collected and counted and the house with the most gold tokens gets awarded
house points.
Maths is a keen focus for us at Watling so we have lots of awards that are won each week – Click,
Learn-its, Beat that!, Numbots and TT RockStars. These awards help to encourage children to
improve their Maths skills and celebrate their successes.
Great to be Neat – this award recognises the best achievement in handwriting and presentation across all subjects in each class.

Our Super Learner awards are given out to recognise children who have shown a growth mindset during that week and have really pushed themselves in their learning. Our Values Apple awards celebrate children who have shown our values of Respect, Responsibility and Kindness. All of these awards are rewarded with house points that are added to each houses' total each week. At the end of the year, the house with the most points win the House Cup.

We also like to recognise and celebrate achievements from outside of school – we welcome children
bringing in their certificates for sports such as swimming, karate and football and also letting us
know about anything else they have achieved that they are really proud of.