Welcome to our Foxes class page! Working in year 2 we have Miss McClelland and Mrs Human.

Below you will find the curriculum overviews for each half term in Year 2. To support our Theme lessons, knowledge organisers are used to outline the main skills and information the children will be learning in each term. We use them in class to help retrieve key information quickly. You can use these to support your child at home- perhaps cover part of the document, can they tell you what is missing? You could muddle up the key vocabulary section, can they put it back together? 

Autumn 2 - Arctic Adventure

Non-fiction writing

To link with our work in Science, we will create non-chronological reports for Arctic animals, concentrating on the amazing polar bear. Throughout this unit we will look at what makes a high quality non-fiction text through using some brilliant books.

Play performance!

We will get to perform our play using scripts and singing beautifully for our yearly Christmas nativity. This is a true highlight in year 2 as we are able to confidently hit the stage and show just how amazing we are through our reading, singing and drama skills! 

Fiction writing

Combining well with Geography and Christmas, we’ll recount in detail the journey on the Polar Express. We may even be able to board our very own Polar Express train...


In Maths, we will be working hard to fluently add and subtract within 10 as well as adding and subtracting two-digit numbers. We will also begin to introduce multiplication, particularly looking at the 2s, 5s and 10 times table. We will be working towards being able to represent the 2s, 5s and 10 times table in different ways. 


Watch this amazing video to find out all about polar bears!


 Fancy some coding at home? Your log ins from school will still work on this link:


Autumn 1 - Deadly Dinosaurs!


Non-fiction writing

Through our History lessons we will write for a lot of different purposes. We’ll use different sources to help write fact files and research the types of dinosaurs to write about our own! 

Fiction writing

We will then move on to learning a text map with the story of the Little Green Dinosaur. We will use actions and movements to remember the story off by heart. Then we will write our own version of the story using different sentences types and vocabulary that we liked from the original story.


Following the NCETM Curriculum, we will begin our journey in maths by consolidating our knowledge on numbers 10 - 100. We will work towards representing these numbers in a variety of ways and be able to accurately mark the position of these numbers on to a number line.


 Some fun dinosaur websites to explore

Spring 1 - Our Planet!


We will be identifying geographical characteristics of the UK, as well as locating the 5 oceans on a world map, whilst asking the important question 'Why is our world wonderful?' 

Take a look at our map that we will be using to help us locate geographical places:


Fiction writing

Firstly, we shall be looking at a range of different animals to create poems about them. We will learn that all these animals are unique in their own way and create acrostic poems to highlight this.

Non-fiction writing

Later in the half term we will soon discover that the animals we love and have researched are endangered. Some have even recently become extinct! We shall use persuasion to try to convince people to protect them.

Please watch this orangutan video:  


Would you like to help the orangutans? Here's a website with some ways you can at home:  CLICK ME

Spring 2: Castles and Dragons!

castles and dragons ko pptx.jpg

 Fiction Writing:

Firstly, we are going to be looking in detail at the story 'George and the Dragon', identifying what makes this a good story. To support our own imagination, we may be finding some mysterious, colourful dragon eggs and we will be using our creativity to write about why those dragon eggs are on our school field and what they may become... 

Non Fiction Writing 

Later on in the half term, we are going to be learning lots of new information all about castles. We are going to use all of this information to write our own non-chronological report, trying very hard to add in all of the features of a castle and tell the reader what their purpose is! 

Summer 1: Rumble in the Jungle! 


summer 1 for website pptx.jpg

 Non Fiction Writing:

We are are going to be learning all about the athlete Greg Rutherford, whilst looking at various writing features that we will begin to use in our own writing. We will then be using our creative minds to create our own athletes to be able to write a non-chronological report all about them.

Fiction Writing:

Once we have written our non-chronological report, we are then going to be engaging all of our senses and immerse ourselves in the jungle. With the help of plenty of sensory, exciting activities along the way, we will be writing all about our very own jungle experience. I wonder what we will find deep in the jungle...

Summer 2: Fire Fire! 


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 Non Fiction Writing:

We are going to be reading extracts from Samuel Pepys' diary to find out what really went on during the Great Fire of London in 1666. We will be using this information, alongside visual and audio clues, to write our very own diaries. 

Have a look at this website to find out a little more: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0wtskN9dzXg

Maths in Year 2

 We love our maths in year 2 and are able to incorporate plenty of practical learning with the guidance of  NCETM. Topics that we learn about include addition and subtraction, division and multiplication structures, shape, money, fractions, time and measure. 

Have some fun with maths games:

Hit the Button

TT Rockstars

 Why not try some phonics games?


Phonics Play

Keep up to date with all the learning and announcements in class 

